Every organization’s success regardless of size or industry depends on the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of its employees, for this reason Consulting & Staffing Solutions is now providing the following professional and executive services to all our clients.

  • Direct Hire
  • Temporary to Permanent
  • Contract Placement
  • Contract to Direct
  • Customized Job Fair

Consulting & Staffing Solutions makes the best possible talent available to you in your employee searches. Consulting & Staffing Solutions will use all available avenues to search out and recruit the most talented candidates available. All Professional Consulting & Staffing Solutions applicant skill levels and assessment scores are entered into our internal database so that our staffing managers can custom-match candidates to your job requirements. Consulting & Staffing Solutions’ services included:

  • Professional & Executive searches
  • Traditional & Internet recruiting
  • Reference & Education verification
  • Skills testing
  • Background checks
  • Screening interviews

Consulting & Staffing Solutions’ goal is to ensure that the investment made by our clients is paid off. Consulting & Staffing Solutions’ candidates are the best in their field; highly qualified professionals with great personalities and committed to staying with their next employer for years.

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